It has only been a week, but Christmas at Luther seems like such a distant memory.
Students had to arrive on campus early from Thanksgiving break to begin rehearsals, and the majority of the week that followed was consumed by mass rehearsals, ensemble rehearsals, set up for this or that, not to mention the cascade of emails with the latest updates and need-to-know information for... you name it. The week of Christmas at Luther was certainly insanely hectic, but it's amazing how quickly we forget of all the other planning and preparation that went into such an event.
Choirs began rehearsing this Christmas music somewhere around the time of Halloween, and I'm sure the behind-the-scenes work had begun some time before that- likely last January or before! Although the finished product of all the work we put into Christmas at Luther is only apparent to those of us participating in it during the week of, it's important to realize everything else that went on.
Students aren't always going to see everything moving around them- and that's the way it's supposed to be. As a future educator, it's going to be my responsibility to see that students are motivated to learn... even though the end goal may be a long way from being in sight. Singing about the joy of Christmas when you're still deciding what Halloween costume to wear doesn't make a whole lot of sense at the time, but when viewers around the country see what we have to present on December 22nd, the work we did will make sense.